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Woud You be Able to Sign a Blank Page and Let God Write Whatever He Wants?

“To have faith is to sign a blank page

and let God write whatever he wants.”

(attributed to St. Augustine)

This is a profound phrase that reflects how we should act if we want to understand the plan of God. On a human level, it would be foolish to sign a contract without first reading it carefully and making sure the conditions are in our interest, since our signature means we agree with everything in the contract. If you sign a blank page, you are at the mercy of whatever the other person writes; you have given your approval without even knowing, yet, what you are consenting to.

But that’s how it is with God – signing a blank paper and letting Him write whatever He wants! Marriage or religious life? One community or another? What if He asks me to leave everything and go to the other side of the world? He could write anything: something that we want or something that we do not expect. No matter what, we have the certainty that whatever He writes will bring us to eternal happiness and to the Resurrection! In this case, when you give your yes without knowing what awaits you, you will be at the mercy of the Creator of the universe who knows and loves you more and better than anyone else.

Let’s move forward with trust, sign the blank page, and let Him write what He wants.

--Sr. CMC

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