During my vocational discernment, my personal prayer to God was always the same: “Lord, what do you want from me?” One day while I was talking to my father, he told me that some years before, when he was searching for God’s plan, he received a response to his prayer through one of the messages of Our Lady of Fatima, the one from the 13th of May 1917 where she said to the little shepherds, “Come here for 6 consecutive months and I will tell you what I want from you!” How happy I was when I heard that he had also gone to Fatima for 6 months and had received a response to his prayer!
Instantly, I decided to do the same thing, so that I could understand God’s plan for me! I had no doubt that Our Lady could really reveal to me what to do if I were there for that time! But everything took on a different dimension when I shared what had happened with my spiritual guide, Sr. Veronica. She helped me reflect, thanks to the teachings of our founder, about the spiritual meaning of the message – that instead of literally going to Fatima, I should devote a period of time in my life solely to understanding the Will of God: on retreat, away from the world and everyday life, in a place suitable for hearing the voice of the Lord (as Fatima was in 1917).
Finally! Thanks to that response, my heart and my intelligence were “joined” and I found a little peace in place of the restlessness that wouldn’t leave me!
More than 7 years have passed since that incident, and I am happy to be able to testify that Our Lady truly came through on her promise in my life as well, and in the 6 months that I offered her I found with certainty the answer to my prayer,
“Lord, what do you want from me?”
--Sr. CMC