My family did not take my decision to enter the convent well. They were all against it. After seeing their reaction, I did not know what to do to be able to get to the community with whom I desired to have a vocational experience at that time, there in my country of Albania.
The story of St. Clare came to mind, how to reach St. Francis and give her whole life to the Lord, she fled her home in secret. In my sincerity and good intention, I thought to also do the same thing, finding no other solution. Obviously, I did not think about the consequences, about what my family might think. But the Lord looked ahead, seeing the sincerity in my heart to do his will.
Certainly, my family was not happy. After finding me and forcibly bringing me back home, they locked me inside for a month. This also happened to St. Francis of Assisi; his father imprisoned him when he learned of his son’s vocation. What gave me the strength not to give up in the search for God's will were the words of Jesus when he said: "Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matt 16:25).
I continued my search anyway, without being discouraged by adversity, until I found the right community for me. My family had to surrender to my decision. What can one say to parents who oppose the vocation of their children?
St. John Bosco says: “A son as a priest [or a daughter as a nun] is the greatest gift that God can give to a family.”