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A Sign Like St. Clare's

It was in my first days of experience in the community, and all of my prayers we to receive an answer from the Lord that would confirm my calling. Our Servant Mother Superior suggested making a prayer before going to bed because it was the it was the vigil of the feast of the Assumption of Mary.

So, that’s what I did! That day I prayed to Our Lady to confirm my path and, as a concrete sign, I asked for something similar to the sign of St. Clare of Assisi. She received a palm from the hand of the Bishop during Palm Sunday. Like usual, the young people went to him to receive his blessing and a palm, but that day St. Clare did not move; she remained in her place. Then, the Bishop himself got up and came to her, leaving everyone amazed. In a certain sense, this was a sign for her, and that very day she left her house to give her whole life to the Lord.

So, following her example, I asked Our Lady that on August 15, the feast of the Assumption of Mary, someone would give me something and I could recognize that gift as a sign. Clearly, I had not told anyone about the sign I had asked for.

The next day, the sisters were invited to a nearby town, where there was a celebration in honor of Our Lady of the Assumption. Many people and many religious communities were present. As the day passed and the celebration drew to a close, I began to think that perhaps I would not receive that answer that I was searching for. That is, until a great surprise came! I was amazed when the parish priest came to us with many flowers in hand to offer one to each of us, both sisters and girls in experience! In that moment, I was reminded of the prayer that I had made! In the midst of so many people, only we received these flowers which were nothing less than the flowers of Our Lady!

As our founder would say, coincidences don’t exist – only “God-incidences”! This is one of the many signs I received that day which helped me to understand the Plan of the Lord for my life. As the Psalm says: “On the day I cried out, you answered; you strengthened my spirit.” (Ps 138:3)



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