Usually finding and receiving a religious name is a very exciting process,even though it is different for each religious community. In the Bible, you may have noticed that God often changes peoples’ names to specifically signify their mission: as when Jesus changes Simon’s name to Peter(Mt. 16:17-18), or when God changes Abram’s name to Abraham (Gen. 17:5).
As for myself, in my ignorance and excitement I began searching and making lists of possible names even before being in community. God, however, with his sense of humor, had a totally different kind of name in store for me. He first introduced me to my 3rd religious name, Little Lamb, during my discernment visit in December 2015. The sister superior, noticing what looked like sheep wool on the collar of my sweater, started to call me “Little Lamb” throughout my visit. The name became so natural and fitting for me that, after entering the community and arriving to the point where I could seriously discern and pray about a religious name, I knew for certain that Little Lamb had to somehow be in it.
One night, the sisters and I watched a film about the 3 shepherd children of Fatima. Continually throughout the film, my heart was struck by how I could relate my personality to little Jacinta’s! My heart was lit on fire with excitement when I noticed Jacinta holding a little lamb in the scene where Our Lady first appeared to them! The next day, I discussed this “coincidence” with my spiritual director, who ended up suggesting the name Sr. Jacinta Maria Little Lamb. I took his suggestion to heart and found indescribable, continuous joy! On July 23, 2017, upon entrance into the novitiate, I received this religious name.
--Sr. JMLL