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Vocational Poem

Speak, Lord, your servant listens

(translated from Portuguese)


I hear your voice calling me from afar

And my soul longs to surrender

But I don’t know how to respond

I want to understand your will

May my fears and attachments never drown out your cry

Nor the shortcomings that trip up my way

I know that you know me, you await me with patience and love

Don’t let my hard heart make the wait longer by refusing to decide

I lose peace whenever I walk away from you

And peace only reigns when I sincerely surrender

Only your grace helps me keep going

In this process, Lord, I await your confirmation

May I give everything, retaining nothing

May I see my miseries, but trust in your mercy

May it not be my strength but your grace that sustains me

May it not be my will done but yours

May I never despair, may the hope of the Holy Spirit reign in me

May emptiness always remind me of the eternity to come

May I find joy in always following Jesus

May I find your love in His passion, may Charity embrace my whole being

May my soul and life always cry out:

All is Yours, all is Yours, all is Yours.

May this be my song at all times, Jesus; I want to keep hearing your voice.

-- A Vocation


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