When it comes to prayer life, there are many options available to us. Besides the Holy Mass, which is the most perfect prayer, there are many different devotions: the Holy Rosary, novenas, the hour of mercy, the prayers of St. Bridget, the Angelus, etc. Sometimes, in fact, we run the risk of taking up many devotions and neglecting that which is a lamp for our steps and a light for our journey (cf. Ps 119:105) – the Word of God!
In a dialogue, when we want to know something, we ask the other person a question; in turn, that person uses his or her words to give us an answer. God also left us his Word: that word which can answer our desires, questions and doubts!
“The Word become flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).
Who besides God offers us a living Word? Christ is the living Word and the model of perfection. He is the map personified who guides us to the full Will of the Father!
The advice I would like to give to those in vocational discernment is to devote more time to the Word of God – perhaps by meditating on the readings of the day or on the Liturgy of the Hours.
As St. Josemaria Escrivá said, “We must meditate on the story of Christ ... so that when we have to decide how to act, the words and actions of the Lord will come to our memory.”
--Sr. CMC