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One of the Many Signs God Gave Me

At the beginning of my first pilgrimage of total dependence on divine providence (without bringing anything for the journey) in the religious community of the Little Friars and Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary, I started to have a little fear, so I made this prayer to the Lord: “Lord, if this is what you want from me—if you are calling me to this community—let your will be done in me!” And then the Gospel for Mass later that day said: “Take nothing for the journey, neither staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money…” (cf. Luke 9:3-4)! This beautiful sign brought joy to my heart and was one of the many signs that confirmed my calling in this community.

I later also found out that St. Anthony Abbot received a similar sign from the Lord before he left everything and dedicated himself to monastic life. In fact, one day, as he was going to Mass, he was meditating on the reason why the Lord asked the apostles to leave everything to follow Him, as well as on the good things that they would obtain in heaven. Anthony entered the church just as the Gospel was being read: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell all that you have, give it to the poor, come and follow me and you will have a treasure in heaven” (Matt 19:21). As if that was read just for him, he immediately left the church, sold everything that he possessed, distributed the proceeds to the poor, and dedicated himself to ascetic monastic life. (cf. Liturgy of the Hours, volume III, office of readings, 17 January)

--Sr. LMV


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