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Is it Possible to be Certain about your Vocation?

Many people ask: is it possible to be certain about the Will of God? Yes, it is possible! The Word of God and the lives of the saints show us that this is so.

To keep it short, I will simply give the example of the shepherds at the birth of baby Jesus. As Friar Volantinio, the founder of our community, reflects:

The Gospel tells us that the shepherds were keeping watch over the flock when they received a special announcement; we don’t know exactly how it came about, whether through a dream or a vision, if they were asleep or awake, but we know that the angel told them that that night the Savior had been born! This would be the SIGN for them: they would find a newborn baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger! We can imagine how great their surprise must have been! But despite the fact that this was a rather unique and out-of-the-ordinary kind of announcement, they set off – and what must their amazement have been upon really finding a newborn baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger! This SIGN gave them the certainty that they had really received an announcement from God. Through this event, wouldn’t they reach the

CERTAINTY that this child was really the savior?

This is only one example among many of how God accompanies human beings with concrete responses so that they can walk with confidence along the journey of life, knowing with certainty which road the Lord wants them to take. As the Word of God says: "I will be certain on my journey, because I have sought for your will” (Ps 119:45) [pfsgm translation].

But if God gives us a concrete sign, are we ready to follow Him?

--Sr. CMC


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