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How to Discern with Zeal and Knowledge so not to Stray

"I am called to religious life! I am going to join a religious order!"

Just a moment! Have you asked God which community He has in mind for you?

It is Written: “Zeal without knowledge is not good;

and whoever acts hastily, blunders” (Prov 19:2).

Our Mother General points out: The book of Proverbs tells us, zeal for God and His Will is a good thing if it is accompanied by knowledge; otherwise, in addition to being hasty, we could be led astray on our journey. As our founder would say, we must be like Our Lady who set out in haste to follow the voice of the Lord; but we must not forget that she already knew which direction to go – the home of cousin Elizabeth. This is the direction that the angel had already indicated to her.

Mary teaches us how to follow the Lord's voice: to walk with zeal while knowing the direction; quickly, but without being rash. The choice of the community in which to give our life must be made in the same way – because, as we said before, vocation is not a choice, but a calling.

How are you discerning directions on your journey? Just with zeal?

Or also with knowledge? Overhastily? Or in a "holy hurry"?

Be quick, but be cautious. Follow the voice of God with knowledge, not just with feeling. And if you already know the direction – run! Don't waste time!

--Sr. CMC


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