Many times we say, “Lord, here I am to do your will!" But are we really ready to listen to God and do what He asks of us?
Once, in a gathering of young people during a parish mission, we were talking about the importance of discovering God’s plan and putting it into practice in our lives. All the young people happily affirmed that they knew the importance of carrying out God’s will. At that moment, I decided to play a little game where they had to respond to two questions:
For the first, I said, raise your hand if you really want to do the Will of God! – and all of them, with great enthusiasm, raised their hands
For the second, I said, imagine your life as a road that comes to a fork, where all of your plans and “dreams” are on the road that goes left, but you understand clearly that God’s will is for you to follow the road that goes right…the road that is the opposite of what you thought your life would be. Raise your hand if you would still be willing to do the Will of God! – and only two or three raised their hands.
After that, we started joking around to de-dramatize the situation, and each of them came to reflect – do I really want to follow God’s plan? Now I ask you: do you really want to follow God’s plan?
--Sr. CMC