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Be Attentive!

Over the summer after I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree, I spent two weeks in discernment with the Little Nuns of Jesus and Mary. The next official step of discernment would be to enter into the six months of experience. In my heart, I was already willing to make that next step, but I prayed that I may understand for certain that it was the will of the Lord.

About halfway though my two weeks, we had gone to Sunday Mass at the local church, and I quickly got distracted during the homily. That day, I much preferred to pray on my own than to listen to the priest. However, at one point, I suddenly tuned in to the homily again to hear the priest saying, “You have to say yes to God NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year– NOW!” It was as if the Lord was speaking directly to me– I needed to say yes to Him, NOW!

After that, I officially made the decision to enter the experience of six months as soon as possible. However, I could have missed such an important sign from the Lord by willingly distracting myself!

St. Teresa of Avila says:

“Often when we are distracted…we do not even remember God.” [1]

Let us always remain attentive, remembering that God may be trying to answer our prayers in unexpected ways.

--Sr. CMA


[1] St. Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle, VI, 2, 2.


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